Enough - Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG)

MG OMD, Wavemaker, FCB Inferno, Lime Pictures, Joe and Football Co

Client: Home Office

Many types of violence against women have become so normalised in British society that they often go unchallenged. Women are taught from an early age to adapt their behaviour, but rather than putting the onus on potential victims, our campaign spoke to the male audience, tackling the problem at its roots. A message like this from the government is easily ignored, so we utilised the power and credibility of relatable messengers, producing thought provoking content to reach our audience in an authentic, yet unmissable way. We created bespoke content with Channel 4, Joe Media and FootballCo, seeding this out through their digital and social platforms, and within contextually relevant TV programming, bringing to life the issue and giving guidance on how to intervene when friends step out of line. This enabled us to capture the public and media’s attention, convincing a significant proportion of men with problematic views that these behaviours are never ok, empowering bystanders to intervene, and helping women understand that harassment and violence is never their fault.